Unit 1: Language teaching methodology

Site: Anaheim University Online
Course: TESOL Certificate (Demonstration Course)
Book: Unit 1: Language teaching methodology
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Date: Friday, 19 April 2024, 1:35 AM


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

  • write your own definition of methodology

  • explain how methodology is related to curriculum development and syllabus design

  • describe the “methods” debate

  • explain the basic principles of communicative language teaching

  • state why communicative language teaching in important at the present time

  • discuss some of the research findings that have influenced language teaching methodology

  • create instructional sequences that incorporate the pretask, task, and follow-up cycle 

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

  • write your own definition of methodology

  • explain how methodology is related to curriculum development and syllabus design

  • describe the “methods” debate

  • explain the basic principles of communicative language teaching

  • state why communicative language teaching in important at the present time

  • discuss some of the research findings that have influenced language teaching methodology

  • create instructional sequences that incorporate the pretask, task, and follow-up cycle 

File Size: 219 mb
Format: FLV
Length: 1:00

Unit 1 Lecture Outline / Powerpoint

These are the notes from TESOL Certificate video - Lecture 1.

Subcomponents of a curriculum

Curriculum componentFocus
Defining Questions
Syllabus designContentWhat content should we teach?
In what order should we teach this content?
What is the justification for selecting this content?
MethodologyClassroom techniques and proceduresWhat exercises, tasks, and activities should we use in the classroom?
How should we sequence and integrate these?
EvaluationLearning outcomesHow well have our students done?
How well has our program served our students’ needs?

Defining methodology
  1. ... the study of the practices and procedures used in teaching, and the principles and beliefs that underlie them. Methodology includes: 
    1. study of the nature of language skills (e.g. reading, writing, speaking, listening and procedures for teaching them) 
    2. study of the preparation of lesson plans, materials and textbooks for teaching language skills 
    3. the evaluation and comparison of language teaching methods (e.g. the Audiolingual method) 
  2. such practices, procedures, principles and beliefs themselves. (Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics
The Methods Debate
  • Grammar-translation
  • Audiolingualism 
  • “Designer” methods
  • Communicative language teaching
  • Task-based language teaching
  • Second language acquisition research
Principle 1: Focus on the learner
  • Make instructional goals clear to the learner
  • Help learners to create their own goals
  • Encourage learners to use their second language outside of the classroom
  • Help learners to become more aware of learning processes and strategies
  • Help learners to identify their own preferred styles and strategies
  • Give learners opportunities to make choices between different options in the classroom
  • Teach learners how to create their own learning tasks
  • Provide learners with opportunities to master some aspects of their second language and then teach it to others
  • Create contexts in which learners investigate language and become their own researchers of language
Principle 2: Develop your own personal methodology
Identify your own preferred teaching style

Principle 3: Build instructional sequences

The pre-task, task, follow-up cycle
  • Pre-task: creates interest, helps build students’ schema, introduce key vocabulary, revise grammar.
  • Task: activating language in the classroom
  • Follow-up: teacher feedback on the task, student reflection on what they achieved and how well they are doing 

Click to go to the file. 

Nunan, D. 2003. Methodology. In D. Nunan (ed.) Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw Hill. 

(Note: This reading is included in pdf format in Unit 1.)

Note: the textbook chapter is only provided in Units 1 and 2.