This course has two distinctive parts. The first part focuses on basic financial functions while the second part emphasizes the management of financial functions. As international capital markets have become more complex, it is essential to have a solid understanding of international finance for astute corporate decision-making.
Business Law is a forward thinking course that will provide the student with the tools to understand the legal dimensions of doing business by the corporation. With these tools, the student will be prepared to go forward in the business world with an understanding of legal limits and responsibilities that are present in the business world. The course also engages the student in the overlap between legal and ethical responsibly and provides a sense of current views on corporate responsibility. The main goal of the course is to provide students with the knowledge needed to operate in business with a sense of the legal structure and responsibilities around them.
The world we share is becoming increasingly interconnected in complex and interesting ways. This course discusses the nature and scope of international business and introduces the three environments in which international business managers must operate. Specifically, this course discusses what international business is and also presents the concepts of the three environments and their forces. The dynamic growth and the magnitude of both international trade and foreign investment is analyzed, while examining the role of the institutions that operate in the international environment and discuss the ways in which they may affect international businesses in fundamental ways.
This course is concerned with international financial management in an international setting.  Financial management is mainly concerned with how to optimally make various corporate financial decisions such as those pertaining to investment, financing operations, dividend policy and working capital management.  In developed countries with well-developed capital markets, maximizing shareholder wealth is generally considered the most important corporate objective.  Financial management is studied in an international context as we live in a highly globalized and integrated world economy.
Business Law is a forward thinking course that will provide the student with the tools to understand the legal dimensions of doing business by the corporation. With these tools, the student will be prepared to go forward in the business world with an understanding of legal limits and responsibilities that are present in the business world. The course also engages the student in the overlap between legal and ethical responsibly and provides a sense of current views on corporate responsibility. The main goal of the course is to provide students with the knowledge needed to operate in business with a sense of the legal structure and responsibilities around them.
The world we share is becoming increasingly interconnected in complex and interesting ways. This course discusses the nature and scope of international business and introduces the three environments in which international business managers must operate. Specifically, this course discusses what international business is and also presents the concepts of the three environments and their forces. The dynamic growth and the magnitude of both international trade and foreign investment is analyzed, while examining the role of the institutions that operate in the international environment and discuss the ways in which they may affect international businesses in fundamental ways.